Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Taking the Class - Thank You Ladies

Almost all of us. We had a big class. Several ladies came for a refresher but the majority of us were just fresh.
Right this young lady is in NY and had her hair retightened by Roxanne. And Blenna installed two ladies hair in three days and taught the class. Right - Candy, who provided us with the best and the most tender ribs I have ever had, was one of the ladies Blenna installed. If you're in Charlotte let me know cause Candy has her own Rib Shack.
Standing - Roxanne our Training Consultant - I learned so much from her about these so called remedies and chemicals that it's truly amazing how we have been programmed to think.

Come to find out, yours truly has probably one of the worst types of hair for locking. Whatever! It's just going to take some time, lots of patience, and bartaring. I was a great model for several lessons. At one point I had both Blenna and Roxanne in my hair at the same time. I know several of you have that picture and please

send it too me.


muslimahlocs said...

dr. c and blenna are the only two people that i know who have installed their own sisterlocks with PERFECT parts. so it does not surprise me that she taught the class and installed two ladies in three days. and she probably even managed to have a good time socializing with you all as well.
so what's the deal with these remedies that you learned from roxanne. do share.
i am excited for you. keep making progress!

Naturally Sophia said...

Ditto! waiting on the remedies. Good post!

N'Drea ~ the Storyteller said...

Girl, you're on your way.

Sogolocs said...

Congratulations on completing your class, that is a great accomplishment. Blenna is a great person, she is so sweet. Her locks are beautiful. It looks like you had a great time.