Monday, December 29, 2008

Need a Laugh - BigCatTrucker is Your Man

@BigCatTrucker is one of my Twitter friends and an actual truck driver. If you don't tweet, then you're missing out on connecting with some really good people. @BigCatTrucker is starting his own show in the new year and shared this with us. He has his own channel on youtube so befriend him and subscribe to his videos. I'm on there, so do the same for me as well.

I laughed so hard at this video that I had to share this with everyone. If you like it, please leave comments here or on his page. The support doesn't cost anything, just a little time.

@BigCatTrucker tweeted "my show coming to youtube in Feb 09, look out for it gots some big hitters coming to the show"

The young man in the video is one of @BigCatTrucker's friends Toby and one of the many funny people that will be featured on the show.

"You ain't the Dukes of Hazzard."


Anonymous said...





Carmennc said...

I was completely over at the beginning because I have an old printer that my father gave me in 2000 and never used it. I need to collect back storage on that.

Then the look on his face when he 'stored' the box away was serious.

I gotta watch it again.

Itiel said...

Man, video no longer available due to copyright issues.

Carmennc said...

Update, the video can be seen at Thank you Smell Goods Lady.