I had just finished my Mexican dinner and dessert and noticed that something was a little too hard to be part of fried icecream. My top right molar felt a little sharp. It's broken. Woah is me because I know I'll have to get my wisdom teeth pulled. Please share your wisdom teeth extraction experience.
This post will be a multi-task post. I'm waiting on the last load of laundry to dry so that I can promptly take the clothes out to prevent wrinkles.
Blah, blah - tooth. I'm done with that now. The last post was about my hair troubles. I re-tightened, re-installed, and fixed the crazy locks. The picture above is the before the repairs, the after looks just the same.
Ciara has been following me like a shadow. I believe it has a lot to do with her being crated a long time this week. Also, I've been trying to train her which includes being put in the bathroom when she paws at the shutters and barks. I guess she figures if she's right at my heels that she can't get into trouble. I stepped on her hands twice while carrying clothes. The other day she made me fall while I had company. The expression on her face read, "WTH, don't fall on me." I'm tempted to let her go back to barking up a storm, just to keep from injuring ourselves. Some days I really want to pawn her off on my parents. People always tell me that I'd be all to pieces if something was to happen to her. One day I got off of work early and she didn't come walking slowly down the steps. I freaked. I was hesitant to call her name. I thought the worse. Then, I figured she got closed into one of the rooms like a time before. I finally called her name and like a good dog, she slowly walked down the steps, stretched and yawned, and then greeted me at the door.
Sad to hear it, Carmen...grown women should no longer cut teeth -lol. Did they just come in or did they just now start bothering you (and breaking off)?
Whereas my experience was not horrible, it wasn't pleasant either. Pills and prayer -that's what helped.
I had all 4 taken out at once so my face was swollen.
The first day, I stayed doped up and slept on the couch.
It took almost a week for my face to look "normal" -lol, but I was back at work in about 2 days.
I've had no problems with my molars. It didn't hurt before the crack and it doesn't hurt now. They have been in for years. My dentist said I have a strong bite and should have my wisdom teeth taken out. I'll see how my shedule is looking in the next few weeks and have it done when I have a Thursday-Sunday off.
Was it one of your normal molars or a wisdom tooth? I need to get my wisdom teeth out too, so I can't tell you the horrors just yet but I'm glad you're already looking to make an appt. My husband had a molar that broke and then he let it go for over a year. Now he's had a very painful and expensive root canal and a crown. So don't let it go for too long!
I was scheduled to have my top wisdom teeth removed; the dentist assured me that she could have them out in minutes. To cut a long story short, I had to be held down by three people and I cried (like a child) all the way through. I only let her remove one!
Allecia - I keep going back and forth from molar to wisdom tooth, but it's the wisdom tooth that broke. I have heard of the horrors of root canals, so I'm going to call my dentist Monday. Hopefully, I'll be able to see him soon and he partners with a whatever you call the dentists who do major procedures.
Mel - Now I'm scared. I think I'll have the top ones pulled together. I'm not sure what I'll do. I'll let my dentist decide - he'll probably go for the gusto - all four.
Ciara is beautiful!!! You wouldn't know what to do with yourself if she didn't greet you when you came home...haha!
My wisdom tooth extraction experience was a nightmare. I was in college at the time and my oral surgeon was 4 hours away. First off, the Dr. had a hard time finding my veins, for the anesthesia. Secondly, he made me go home with one of those stress squeeze balls to try and pump up my veins for a couple days. I then went back and had the surgery. I must be an alien, cause they only found 3 wisdom teeth...hhmm....
They prescribed me some pain meds but since I was still in school I couldn't take them as often as I would have liked to. I also got a dry socket and had to go back to the Dr. He had to reopen the incision to allow it to heal from the inside out. I couldn't eat for a week...Worst part was I didn't lose any weight...LOL!!! Not to mention the swelling took forever to go down. I looked like I was storing food for winter in my cheeks...
I'm happy it's over with and would never wish that experience on anyone.
I will be praying for you when it's your time....
Not trying to scare you though.
Oh wow I'm reading all these experiences! I hope the dentist does a great job with yours Carmen. I have to have 10 teeth taken out. It's been like that for years now. I'm along the lines of Allecia's DH that I've waited too long and will need a root canal. I have some impacted teeth, a cyst, and the wisdom teeth that need to come out. I was told that it could all be done at one time too. I'm wanting to get it done but I am afraid...very afraid! 10 teeth yall?? Good luck Carmen and many blessings for a quick and easy healing!
Ladies, I'm super scared now. I went to the dentist and had a debridgment and perscribed special toothpaste. My consultation for my wisdom teeth is on the 27th.
Thank you for the well wishes! I'm going to need them.
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