Sunday, March 16, 2008


I don't know exactly when or how I learned of Atlantis. Maybe during 6 years of Latin it was mentioned. I was hipped wise to Enya in Latin class and then turned my parents onto her. In short Atlantis was a beautiful island, a stopping place for sea ferries bringing riches from other lands. And then it sank. LOL. I usually do better at story telling, but I cannot remember the story.

And then there is the Isley Brother's Song. I never could figure out the lyrics. Atlantis - I'll always come back to you. Ok, yes Atl was beautiful but it sank. But why are you going back to that? Wow, sounds like something I'd do.

So, I named these beads for what Atlantis might have looked like. There is a Tie (necklace ring) available. I'll have to update for that. Atlantis - avaiable on


BlessedGemLady said...

This is a gorgeous set! It's amazing how you pick such appropriate names for your TTs. I'll be darned if this set doesn't "look" like something from Atlantis, now that you mention it. ;-)

CarmenNC said...

LOL, I give it some thought when I'm buying the beads. Sometimes it comes to me immediately sometimes not. If I could smoke weed - boy I'd probably be making my own beads. HAHAHAHA.

Lakia said...

Atlantis is so gorgeous that I am compelled to blog about it... stay tuned :)