Monday, May 11, 2009

Maxwell, Mike Epps, Notorious, The Cuddler

From time to time I get an email or comment that needs it's on blog post.

This is one of those important comments...

Anonymous: love him, but the video...either he is a ghost visiting women who have lost a Significant Other or he is creepin' with all those ladies! I choose to believe the first cause, he kind of disappears at the end of the video, hey I have a S.O but still wouldn't mind a spooning from Maxwell...glad he's back!

Anon, I recently learned about the Red Box, the rent a dvd for $1 vending machine. I'm used to getting bootleg movies or watching them on the internet. I know with the economy the way it is people have to cut back. I think the bootleg movie man sold me previously watched movies. The dvds were all sticky on the back like somebody was eating honey buns. My patience level has depleted with downloading movies, so I had to give the Red Box a try.

We rented Notorious and Mike Epps. Notorious shared a lot about how he was able to pull beautiful women, Lil' Kim and Faith. His life before Puffy. His relationship with his mother and friends. There was a lot of Tupac too.

Mike Epps' stand up in Funny Bidness was horrible. Him on the streets was awful. But the skits were silly in a Dave Chappelle fashion. But nowhere near Charlie Murphy's skits.

How does all of this tie in? Read Anon's comment again and then watch this clip!

Is Maxwell the real Cuddler?

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